Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week Three Overview

Exposure in any given situation depends on:
-ISO (International Standards Organisation) rating
-Subject lighting
-Subject reflectance
-Personal preferance

Doubling of the ISO rating = Double the sensitivity

Eg. ISO200 requires 1/125 @ f8
ISO400 requires 1/250 @ f8 or 1/125 @ f11

High ISO = image degeneration / grain(film) / noise(digital)

Rule of thumb = use the lowest possible ISO in a situation

To prevent camera shake, use a shutter speed that is at least double the value of the focal length.

Intro to Photo Technology Overview

- Mechanism to begin and end the exposure
- Shutter types are Focal Plane or Between The Lense(BTL/leaf)
- High light requires shorter exposure, low light requires long exposure

- The f-number represents the size of the opening which lets in light
- Large f-number = small apture = less light passed
- Small f-number = large apture = more light passed

Typical range od standard f-numbers
1 1.4 2 2.8 4 5.6 8 11 16 22 32
each step either:
<---doubles or halves--->
the amount of light passed

-Large number = short time = less light passed
-Small number = long time = more light passed

-The total amount of light captured
-Exposure = Time x Intensity